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About Riley Trade Law PLLC

Riley Trade Law PLLC is a firm with extensive experience in navigating the complex, ever-changing regulations governing international transactions. We specialize in working with clients to identify comprehensive, cost-effective compliance solutions that address the day-to-day realities of the business world as well as regulatory requirements.

Business people in a lobby of an office building walking.

Effective and Efficient Strategies

We have worked closely with the Departments of State, Commerce, and Defense, as well as the Office of Foreign Assets Control, to assist clients with matters ranging from licensing of international transactions and the development and implementation of compliance programs to the disclosure and negotiation of compliance matters. Our attorneys understand that your business demands effective and efficient strategies that allow you to successfully conduct business in a regulatory environment.

Our Team

Darren Riley

Darren Riley is a founding member of Riley Trade Law PLLC. Mr. Riley has extensive experience advising clients on matters involving U.S. export controls and government contracts issues.
Email to [email protected]

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Trinette Chandler

Ms. Chandler is Of Counsel at Riley Trade Law PLLC. She serves as a trusted advisor to its clients by applying skills learned in 20 years of working in complex, high-visibility Federal contracts as an attorney.
Email [email protected]

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